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So, You're in a Reading Slump

I think everyone and their mother is in a bit of a reading slump right now, I know I am. I've been feeling pretty burnt out lately with all the readings and assignments that have been crowding at the end of this semester and just the general mess that is 2020. Maybe you just read the best book ever and the book hangover hit hard or you're feeling burnt out and tired. Whatever has led to your reading slump, here are some of my best tips to get you out of it and on to bigger and better things!


  1. Reread an old favorite.

Sometimes you just need to be reminded why you love to read, and an old favorite or comfort book can be just the thing to do that. For me, this usually includes a good read-through of a Harry Potter book or a Percy Jackson novel. Whatever it may be for you, try picking it up again to help you bust out of your slump.

2. Try a new genre.

Maybe your favorite genre has started to get a little monotonous. Try picking up something from a different genre to break you out of the slump. I am an avid fantasy reader, but sometimes I need something a little different. I usually look for a good thriller or mystery book when I need a break from fantasy. Maybe you're a contemporary reader and should try a sci fi novel. Or maybe you love sci-fi books but need to find a break in a creative nonfiction book.

3.Read a short story.

Sometimes you just need a change of pace, and a short story is a perfect solution to that. By design, short stories are fast-paced and bring you into the story action fast. There are so many short stories out there that it's not hard to find something to scratch that itch and get you back into reading.

4.Listen to an Audiobook.

In the same vein as reading a short story, maybe you just need a different format. Listening to an audiobook may be just the thing to pull you out of a slump. You don't have to sit down and pull out a book instead, you can listen to the story while you clean the bathroom or do the dishes. Sometimes when I'm in a slump, I find the idea of having to stop everything I'm doing and reading stressful, so listening to an audiobook gives me the ability to still work on homework while getting my reading fix.

5. Finish an old series.

Maybe you have an old series that you loved but never got around to finishing it. When you're trying to escape a reading slump may be the perfect time to pick it back up again. Revisiting old characters that you love in a new and exciting adventure can be just the jumpstart that you need.

6. Ask for recommendations.

Maybe you have a trusted librarian or friend who knows what you like to read and has the perfect book for you. Maybe you need to take to bookstagram or booktok and ask creators there for their best recommendations. Or you could head to Goodreads and see what your friends there are reading. Sometimes you just need something completely new to help you snap out of a reading slump when it starts to set in.

7. Go on a book buying ban.

Maybe your problem is not having anything to read but having too much to read. The solution might be to stop buying books completely, forcing yourself to read what's on your shelf. I know sometimes I fall into the trap of buying books but never reading them so this is something that helps me when I start to feel the slump.

8. Abandon any Challenges... Or Start One.

Maybe you are halfway through a reading challenge and feel the reading slump setting in. In my experience, sometimes challenges turn reading into a chore rather than a hobby. When this happens, it's helpful to stop the challenge and just focus on reading for fun. Or maybe you are having the opposite problem and need a goal to continue on. Then, a reading challenge may be the way to go.

9. Accept that it's okay to DNF a book.

This was one of my biggest challenges when learning how to deal with reading slumps. It's okay to pick up a new book and not like it. It's okay to not finish it. This goes back to the whole "making reading a chore" thing. If you don't like it, don't read it. That's the great thing about reading for fun, there is no one lording over you making you read something.

10. Just take a reading break.

Sometimes a reading slump is just your brain telling you it needs a break. And that's okay. It's okay to take breaks from things that you love. Maybe you just need to binge a TV show on Netflix or watch your favorite movie. That's okay. Just because you love to do something doesn't mean you have to do that thing all the time.


What is your best tip for escaping a reading slump? Let me know in the comments!


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