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Hello New Year and New Adventures

Here's to a new date on the calendar and a blank slate to fill with new adventures.


I've always loved all things books. I was the kid who went everywhere with a book in my hand. But at some point, I lost that love. I got burned out. High school man, it's rough. Then 2020 happened. Things were spiraling out of control and I was longing for something that made me forget the chaos for a while. So, I once again started reaching for books.

Fast forward a year and I found myself firmly involved in various online book communities. It started with Bookstagram. I loved being able to creative show off what I was reading and talking with others. I was immediately welcomed with open arms and now have so many bookish friends. I quickly gained 600 followers, which doesn't sound like a lot, but it was more than I ever expected.

Then, I decided to try my hand at TikTok and the BookTok community there. I've never been a big video person, but I liked how simple TikTok was and how easy it was to make content that made me laugh even if no one else did. Now I have 7,000 followers and my account is growing everyday. I average about 1,000 views a video (when I'm not shadow banned of course) and I just get to tell people about what I'm reading.

Both these accounts are a challenge. I've learned that being a content creator is not easy. Social media is always changing and the learn curve is a permeant one. I won't pretend to say I understand the algorithm or anything really, but I just have fun with them. And now I feel like it's time for another challenge.

I've always wanted to be a book blogger. While I'm a reader first, I'm a writer second. I've always wanted a corner of the internet all my own that I can make whatever I want. I want a way to share my writing and works in progress while also screaming into the void some more about the books I love. So, Nydia Overbooked was born.

My vision for this blog is two fold: I want to share my journey as a reader and as a writer. I want to create more thoughtful book recommendations and share more in-depth book reviews. I want to talk about the stories I'm writing and the ideas I have. I want this place to be somewhere that I can be authentically me and share more of my brain then I feel like I can otherwise. So, if you've read this far, I hope you'll stick around to follow this journey. I promise to make it a fun one!


Hey new friend! If you've made it this far, introduce yourself in the comments. I'd love to chat!


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